
Sharing via public link or Excel

In the last video, we demonstrated how to share a load plan using a print report and the Step by Step feature.

Now, we will focus on the Public Link and exporting the data to an excel file. You can create a Public Link in three different places - from the Main Menu, on the Shipments and Reports tab, or next to the Load button. Once the calculation has been started and completed, you can then create a Public Link.

By simply copying it into your browser's address field, you can view it from anywhere. The axle load view, interactive controls, step-by-step functionality, and print reports remain available. This way, you can view the loading from all sides or track down a problematic area. The best part about this link is that you don't need an EasyCargo license or any other access to our application to be able to open it. This being said, you can share it with anyone. Sharing options are also available on the Shipments and Reports tab. They're located in this section. Here you can open the print reports that we showed you in the previous video, as well as the public link we already created.

Of course, you can also re-generate it here. However, to do this, you must have already created a print report. If you haven't done that when working on your shipment, you have no choice but to open the shipment, have it loaded, and create the print report.

The last sharing option we will mention is to export the data to an excel file. There are several places where you can export the data - in the print reports of the basic and current view or in the Shipments and Reports tab. Again, you must have a generated print report to create one. This excel file contains both the basic view print report. More importantly, it contains all the information about the items loaded. This makes it possible to import the loading report into EasyCargo and work with it afterward. We explained the procedure of importing from Excel in an earlier video.

This summarizes the possibilities of sharing your shipments with other people, either within your company or with anyone else. We hope that you will choose the one from our range that best suits your wants and needs.