Adding Users
More users can be added under the tab Users. When adding a user, you can choose between the Administrator and User roles.
You need the Administrator role to be able to re-assign the license or administrate users.The number of Administrators is not limited and Administrators can access sections Users, Licenses, and Cargo spaces while these sections are not available for users with the User role only. Users only see the initial tab and Shipments and Reports. It means they can create a load plan and access saved Shipments, but they don't have the option to maintain cargo spaces, users or licenses.
To create a new user, go to the tab Users and click on the button Create a new user. In the next step fill in his name, surname and e-mail address. Once saved, the password will automatically be sent to his email address. You can request sending a new password to the user anytime by clicking on Send new password on the respective line.
Please note that the emails with the credentials might be marked as spam - should the user not receive the email with credentials, please ask him to check the spam folder too.
It is recommended to change the automatically generated password. This can be done under the user profile section after clicking on the name in the upper right corner of the screen.
Every user can change his information under the user profile after clicking on his name in the upper right corner. Only the Administrator has the option to change the email addresses of users. Administrators can also delete other users and administrators.
In order to work within EasyCargo, every user has to have a license assigned. More users can share one license, but they can’t work with the application simultaneously. Each time, the license needs to be re-assigned to another user directly in the application under the Users tab. For two users working simultaneously, two licenses are required.