
Assigning Licenses to Users

If a user logs into the system, has no license assigned and there is an active unassigned license available, the system assigns him one of the available licenses automatically. Should you not have any licenses activated but have a free ticket, the user will be asked if he wants to activate a one-day ticket.

Sometimes the license doesn't get correctly assigned automatically - in that case, we recommend refreshing the page or loging out and logging back again. If this doesn't help, please go to the tab Users and assign the license to the given user (or yourself) as described below.

  • Under the Users tab, in the License column you can easily recognize to whom the license is assigned (marked in blue):

  • If there are free licenses you will have the option to check the box in the respective line to assign the license to the given user.

  • If this is not the case, you can either order more licenses or remove a license from another user by unchecking the box in the given line. Thus the license is removed from the given user and becomes available for assignment to another user.

You can find detailed instructions about administering users and licenses in our tutorial video.