Manual load plan adjustments
Let's start with the processing of the calculation.
D items were not loaded. Because of these non-stackable A. items. We will adjust the load plan manually to resolve this. To move the box. Click on it with the left mouse button. By pointing at green highlighted areas you can choose, where the box will be placed. Click again and box will be placed to new position. Notice, that box can be placed also on non-stackable items. No constrains are applied, when adjusting the load plan manually. You are free to arrange the boxes as you wish. Let's have a look how this can help.
Let's assume that these A. boxes are light enough, so they can be stack on top of each other. We will re-arrange them. You can hold left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate around load plan, while moving the box. There is extra box left, so other functionality can be shown. If you move around with the box, it will automatically snap to the nearest boxes.
In case you want to place box more precisely, you can zoom in with the mouse wheel and snapping distance will decrease. Than you can place box exactly to desired position. For now we will remove the box from the load plan.
You can click this button or hit delete key. Just in case you would like to remove all the boxes from load plan, you can click this button. Then you can set up whole load plan manually. You can notice in result list, that A. box has been removed. Let's re-arrange D boxes. To rotate the box, click on it with the right mouse button. And click any arrow to rotate in desired direction. When the box frame is red, it means that box is in invalid position and cannot be placed. By clicking right mouse button again, you can switch back to move mode and fix the box position. To save your time, we will speed up this part of re-arranging the blue boxes. You can add the rest of the boxes from the result panel by clicking on the black arrow icon. Now we have all blue boxes placed. Last red A. box can be returned back to load plan. And you see, it nicely fits right there.
Now you know, how to use manual load plan adjustments to tune up calculation result.